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Industry 4.0 Needs Education 4.0

A few days back I had read a very interesting view point on the need of digital education and its impact on the industry 4.0 and vide versa.

Here is a summary of the article.

Digital transformation is underway. People working in all industries are realizing that they not only need digital skills but need to be adept in the digital realm as well. 

Our educational system and, in particular, the way we learn and teach must therefore be adapted for this era of digitalization. This is true for all educational levels – from primary school to vocational schools and universities to continuing education. 
A digital education will allow people to continue to participate in social life in a self-determined manner in the future. In addition, digital education will ensure that companies remain competitive. Simply put: Industry 4.0 needs education 4.0. With the digital transformation, we must radically alter both how we learn and what we learn. This is because digital skills have become a fourth key competency alongside reading, writing and arithmetic. 

Full article is available - Here